Re: [CR] Ernesto Colnago in San Diego March 1st

(Example: Framebuilders:Richard Moon)

From: "corpuz family" <>
To: <>, <>
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2009 22:15:21 -0800
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <BLU109-W355341513AC3A4A34DAB86D8BE0@phx.gbl>
Subject: Re: [CR] Ernesto Colnago in San Diego March 1st

Well, when you have loads of customers with bad ( NON PERIOD correct for this list ) C40 stuff failing after 6 months, warrenties not being honore d! You bet they will be having problems. They, COLNAGO loyalist will move onto somewhere else. One of my SCANDINAVIAN suppliers was snubbed by ERNES TO because his orders was not big enough! ERNESTO to loose his sales here i n the U.S this is A BIG TIME LOSS! EUROPE with ( CODAGEX of BELGIUM ) being their BIGGEST EUROPEAN dealer, yes COLNAGO was selling bigger numbers th ere in BELGIUM than in ERNESTOs home country. There in EUROPE COLNAGO will have lots of compitition from shops and suppliers who will supply to their customers with PRIVATE house brands, most of the race shops that I know o f will floor their own house brand. This is something that is not really se en here in the U.S, from order to delivery it will be 3 weeks! A person c an order his bike on-line, from paint to parts selection, installed and ready to deliver. It then can be picked up at his local shop who is a cust omer of this supplier. ERNESTO will also have to deal with the U.S brands , let alone other EUROPEAN brands. In order to not have stock problems, all COLNAGO framesets are supplied to CODAGEX as unpainted this way the ca n adjust to the market place and needs. If a color is hot then they can sup ply as needed to their customer base. Here in he U.S I think all framesets are received as painted framesets, if they ended up with some dogs then w e all know what will happen to these dogs. The old dogs will not being find ing a home anytime soon.........With this said, COLNAGO is a HUGE investm ent for any company, so if they got stuck with a bunch of dogs then there goes a major chunk of their $$$s! VELTEC ( HOLLAND ) also has a problem as well, they were overstuffed with old stocks. At one time I think they ha d thousands of LUGGED STEEL framesets sitting and waiting. I tried to get i nto one of their warehouses, but they couldn't receive Cecile and I becau se they were receiving container with 400 framesets. This happend 2 times , so we moved onto another holder of old stocks. Back to CODAGEX! they we re the importer of CINELLI as well but ERNESTO didn't want them to sell CIN ELLI framesets / bicycles under the same roof there in BELGIUM>>>>>>>So CIN ELLI frames and bikes were being sold from a DUTCH address? I asked them th ere at CODAGEX if they were the dealers for the CINELLI comming out of HOLL AND, they kind of rolled their eyes and walked away. In Holland I knew of 2 old dealers who was marketing framesets as CONAGO replicas. I was visitn g a BELGIUM dealer and saw a frameset that looked like a COLNAGO I asked ab out this frameset and a few others and they said>>>>>>They are COLNAGO>>>>>
>>>>REPLICAS!!! Everywhere ERNESTO will look, trouble is brewing.

BC.........And the original gang. Baron C. Cafedevelo 840E. Main street Santa Paula CA.> To:> Date: Sat, 7 Feb 200 9 19:03:24 -0500> From:> Subject: Re: [CR] Ernesto Colnago in San Diego March 1st> > > This is all even more interesting from the indu stry point of view as Colnag> o has just been dropped by his USA importer V eltec. This is only the umpteen> th importer for Colnago over the years. So meone seems to have trouble with l> ong term commitments. :)> > > > > > > D ale Brown> cycles de ORO Bike Shop> 1410 Mill Street> Greensboro, North C arolina 27408 USA> 336-274-5959>> http://www.classic >>>>> > > > > > > -----Original Message -----> From: corpuz family <>> To: classicrendezvou> Sent: Sat, 7 Feb 2009 3:52 pm> Subject: Re: [CR] Ernesto Colnago in San Diego March 1st> > > > > > > > > > > > It's all about MONEY$ $$ But then he has been after one of EDDYs old>>>>>>CO> LNAGO built bikes! Through the grape vine this info came to me. On another > note, when purc hasing a batch of CHESINI framesets from FRANK Hoste, fo> rmer SUPER CONF LEX / DEL TONGO team member! I asked, during your days wit> h DEL TONGO , did they pay you well? His reply, I only rode for them! Th> e mafia m an paid me direct! I asked who's the MAFIA man? He said ERNESTO! > On anoth er note: While doing business out of HOLLAND, I was listing COLNA> GO fra mesets on ebay! One day ebay pulled all of my COLNAGO listings off of> ebay
   for the U.S.A>>>>>VRO program. I then contacted the then distributor > for
   the U.S! I told them fine, you can pull these listings but you cannot> s top me from selling COLNAGO on20my web-site, formerly RENAISSANCE CYCLES>
   ! I told them I will seek out all of the older stocks of COLNAGO here in H O> LLAND & BELGIUM! And there was a lot! I know of hundreds and hundreds of
   fr> ameset, shops owners are offering their complete older COLNAGO stock s to > us. In fact I do remember purchasing 4 or 5 framesets from one deale r on th> e day of my pulled ebay listings. I told them, OLDER stocks are everywher> e I go! 6 here 3 there then 8 or 9 here and there, I can get t hese things> for cheap! From my web-site I will flood the U.S market with t hese cheap f> ramesets, thus killing ( putting a dent in your U.S sales ) . I can scoop > up these framesets and go from there. I waited for a day or
   2 for a reply> , nothing. I then contacted them again via email>>>>>>>>. No reply. All 4 > OR 5 framesets were relisted and sold. Not some wild hair
   story, Cecile w> as there rolling her eyes as I was blasting off these e mails to them. July > of that year, we sold 70 plus COLNAGOs. Just anothe r day on the job.> > BC.......And the original gang.> Baron C.> Cafe de Vel o >> 840e. Main street > Santa Paula CA. 93060> ( 805 ) 284 - 3936 / cell phone # > From:> Date: Sat> , 7 Feb 20 09 18:57:26 +0000> To:> CC: classicrendezvo> us@bikelis> Subject: Re: [CR] Ernesto Colnago in San Diego March 1st> > > Angel ,> Just based on past personal experience with Ernesto Colnago and> vinta ge > bikes, at least at the time I asked, he=2> 0had no interest in h
> is early bik> es. The only thing that mattered at the time was people who
   w> anted to bu> y new Colnagos. It makes sense, since Ernesto does not p rofi> t from early> bikes being still present; especially ones you can no t buy > right now an> d feed the bottom line financially. Perhaps he will h ave a sl> ightly diff> erent attitude when he's in San Diego for the Gran F ondo.> > T> he Tour of California will finish here in San Diego County abou t a week> ea> rlier. Track racing season (outdoors) starts on Tues, April
   1. 2009. > Th> en the San Diego Custom Bicycle Show happens April 3-5, 2 009. Come to > S> an Diego for a vacation, see the show, ride your bike s all over the pla> > ce! We scheduled the light rain and such for the Buic k Invitational Golf>> Tournament (happening right now) this weekend so we c an have perfect wa> r> m weather for the bike show in April. Make sure you and all of your cyc> li> ng friends come to the show and book your rooms at
   the Town and Countr> y H> otel where the event is being held. Check out ww w.SanDiegoCustomBicyc> leSh> for information.> > Brian Baylis> La Me sa, CA USA> > -- Angel Garc> ia <> wrote:> Ernesto Col nago will be at the just announ> ced Granfondo Colnago-San Dieg> o on> Marc h 1st. Wouldn't he be happy to se> e his early bikes there? Details in> my>
   blog:> http://italiancyclingjourna> goin-sa> n-diego-ca.html,> > > > An> gel Garcia> Long Valley, NJ> > > - -- StripMime Re> port -- processed MIME p> arts ---> multipart/alternative>
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