Re: [CR] pseudo-science and fitting the facts

(Example: Bike Shops)

Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 21:48:11 +0000
From: "nicbordeaux" <>
To: <>
In-Reply-To: <FF773ED38A904E6AAB07D8CCCC997E60@oscar>
Subject: Re: [CR] pseudo-science and fitting the facts

Dave When we are all gone the ashes to ashes way, probably you will be heralded as the Greatest Bike Builder of all time, your bikes will ebay for fortunes , people will make fakes and the experts will conclude that half of your bi kes are fakes, and most of the fakes are real... And in four centuries from now, the CR list will be compiled and rewritten, Jan Heine (or Jerry Moos, close contest there) will be the New Messiah and we, some of us, may be ap ostles. Nick

--- En date de : Sam 14.2.09, Dave Porter <> a écrit :

De: Dave Porter <> Objet: RE: [CR] pseudo-science and fitting the facts À:, Date: Samedi 14 Février 2009, 16h39

I would agree with Nick on this. Over the years I have deliberately tried t o make some, even if small, change or improvement to each of my frames. There were very few duplicate frames out of hundreds built. Only the brazed on head badge was there to identify the maker after I'm long dead and buried.. ;>) Dave

Porter Customs 2909 Arno NE Albuquerque, NM USA 87107 505-352-1378 1954 BN2 1959 AN5 Porter Custom Bicycles

cars: gallery:


-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of nicbordeaux Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 8:31 AM To: Subject: [CR] pseudo-science and fitting the facts

Bike collectors inevitably seek to preserve knowledge. But where the knowle dge is missing, by deduction based on partial data, heresay and religious f ervor (hearing voices, visions, that sort of stuff) we start getting a whol e load of fantasy disguised as a scientific basis, which is then built upon . Whether a particular bike can be attributed to a particular maker is a go odc case.The guys who have seen a lot of a maker's bikes will dismiss anyth ing which they haven't seen before as "Not from maker x" because of somethi ng a little atypical, or the bike doesn't fit the scheme of what a maker is known to have been doing at the time. Turn up with a unusual bike, and the experts can't fit it into their already completed jigsaw puzzle, therefore it must be bogus/relabelled. It's inevitable, but maybe we could bear this in mind ?

Nick March, Agen 47000 Lot et Garonne, France
