and let me also add a few words. Peter Koskinen and Peter Gilbert (of Cane Creek) probably donated (and bought) the highest quantity and the most valued bike components with 100% donation to Operation Smile and the MS foundation at last years Cirque du Cyclism. I can attest to this, I collected the proceeds of this auction from it's start to it's end (8pm-2am). one had a choice of partial donation, but not Peter, he did not accept any return. there were some very generous donations, but both Peter's really stood out. I am happy to have gotten the opportunity for a well deserved endorsement of generosity.
gabriel romeu chesterfield new jersey usa
Peter Naiman wrote:
> Tom,
> I talked to Peter right after I saw the posting to the Boblist, and
> Peter knew nothing about it. He thinks he may know the author of this
> spoof. Pete's a very good freind and great guy so he gets his own
> personal kudos from myself and others who know him well.
> Regards, Peter Naiman Glendale, WI USA
G L Romeu