[CR] A bitter realization

(Example: Framebuilders:Jack Taylor)

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From: "Phil Brown" <philcycles@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 17:57:31 -0700
To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR] A bitter realization

As some of you may have noticed I've been selling some small items lately. I've been going through my stuff and there are things I bought for one reason or another that I'm not going to use. I'm not selling them to make a big killing but to put them back in circulation. I'm not only doing this with bicycles but some of my other interests (For example I shot with Leicas for many years and collected a lot of Leica ephemera. I'm selling it off.) I've been a member of this list almost from the beginning and I prefer to offer stuff to the list rather than put it up on ebay. We're a community and I feel members of the community should get first crack at it. As you've seen it's not giant stuff but interesting items that one or another of us might need. I've changed my mind due to flake-ism on the list. Several items have been claimed by list members and then said members haven't paid for them. We aren't talking big money. You've seen the prices. And paying is easy: Paypal, cash in an envelope, money order, anything but personal checks because the Bank Of America holds out of state checks literally for weeks. And I don't hold on for weeks, I send stuff out the next day at the latest. It really disappoints me for this to happen in a community of like-minded people. But to stop the hassle and bad feeling in my mind from now on it's just going on to ebay and people can look there. No hassles there: I put it up, people bid, someone wins, transfers the money to Paypal and off the stuff goes. Simple. Phil Brown Saddened in Oakland, Calif.