There were a few different Record spindles, but with different markings. (By the way, technically, only the Thick cups & their corresponding double chainring axles were referred to as NUOVO Record)
Here would be the Campagnolo Record spindle options which you might apply to your specific spacing requirements...
I'll list them here in order of increasing drive-side length, and shown with:
1.) Type and intended use 2.) Marking 3.) measurements in mm.... left > center > right
OLD (pre-CPSC) Double 68 SS 120 27-54-30
OLD Cyclocross single with chain guards attachments (or double chainrings) 68-C-120 27-54-31
NEW (post-CPSC) Double 68 -SS 120 (+1.0 +1.5)... or... 68-SS 28-54-31.5
NEW Cyclocross single (or double chainrings) 68-C-120 (+1.0 +1.5)... or... 68-C 28-54-32.5
OLD Triple 68-SS-120 X3 27-54-35
NEW Triple 68-SS-120 X3 (+1.0 +1.5)... or... 68-X3 28-54-38
Good Luck
Mathew Bowne inquired
>From what I gather, it is a standard pre-CPSC NR bottom bracket: "thin
68-SS-120 spindle.
So I am wondering what my options are. Were the 68-SS-120 spindles
available in
multiple lengths? Or do I need "68-SS-120/X-3" (touring triple or
to make this happen?
Am I destined to buy an endless supply of spindles and cups before I find
magic combination?
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