[CR] An open note to Peter Koskinen and perhaps to those ready to always go negative on a fellow List Member

(Example: History)

From: Tom Sanders <tesanders@comcast.net>
To: <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 08:34:45 -0400
Thread-Index: AcnkR6yVQsBTz23mQ+W3Rkce/z/+Ag==
Subject: [CR] An open note to Peter Koskinen and perhaps to those ready to always go negative on a fellow List Member


I am looking forward to seeing you at Cirque and hopefully all this tempest in a teapot signifying nothing will be done by then. Your warmth and generosity have always made me feel good about you and you have always been a fun and interesting guy to hang around with. If you have ruffled a few feathers, even if they are ruffled with good cause, it is done and behind us as far as I am concern.I have ruffled a few myself.I recall being called anti-Japanese a few years ago because I gloated in a good friend beating out a monied Japanese collector for a rare item on E-Bay. It showed a lot of folks ready to jump on a bandwagon with little facts and no real knowledge of my many Japanese friends and years of collecting Japanese art and studying Japanese martial arts. One even asked Dale to boot me from the list. Those who knew me thought it laughable, but lists often seem t attract those eager to show themselves as holier than most and ready to pass quick judgment, they apparently never having been guilty of having said something that they would not choose to have made public to all.

I think there is an old Latin proverb that goes something like Illegitimi non carborundum. I am sure I have not got that quite right and Latin Scholars are more than welcome to jump in here. At any rate, my point is that you have many friends and admirers here and we look forward to seeing you in a couple of days. Bring some good bike stuff and Hawaiian shirts like usual!

Tom Sanders

Lansing, MI USA