Re: [CR] How restorable are these as daily rider saddles?

(Example: History:Norris Lockley)

References: <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 13:05:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Kulcinski" <>
To: Jon Spangler <>, Dale Brown <>
Subject: Re: [CR] How restorable are these as daily rider saddles?


I won this saddle a while ago. 370323823914

I don't think that it was as hard ridden as the ones that you are looking at. However, after treatment with Neatsfoot Oil (I didn't soak it in water before treating, although maybe I should have), it is somewhat darker but rides very nicely.

I waited to bid until I found one that, in the last few minutes, was still at a price that I was willing to pay. Then, I waited, with bid amount poised, until 20 seconds before the end of the auction & clicked on the finalize button. I think that I bid on two, or three saddles before I won this one. The trick, I think, is to be patient enough to get the one that you can afford, or want badly enough.

Thank you,

David Kulcinski Orange, CA

________________________________ From: Jon Spangler <> To: Dale Brown <> Sent: Mon, April 12, 2010 12:02:26 PM Subject: [CR] How restorable are these as daily rider saddles?

Dear Tony and all,

I have been looking at used Ideale and Brooks saddles--and now need yet another one for my replacement mixte. But have never restored one from a condition as bad as these ebay items are in.

(I have always taken much better care of my own leather saddles. Duh.)

How usable would these saddles be, and what would they need to function well as daily riders in "normal" use? Will they need new leather "covers" to work at all well? (I cannot afford to have Tony replace a saddle's leather at this point, although I'd willingly do it in a heartbeat if I could.)

Has anyone else "rescued" similar saddles from a comparable state of abuse/neglect? What am I in for if I buy one like these? Any suggested "break even point" suggestions to use in making bids (or limiting the bid amounts) on these candidates for adoption and rescue?

Ebay listings/item numbers:




I'd like to buy one like this one for my Allegro, and a similar saddle for my new mixte, but am always outbid, thus the questions about restorability:<blah>

Thanks for your help and wise counsel.

Jon Spangler Alameda, CA USA

Jon Spangler
Linda Hudson Writing
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