Sounds interesting - I'm just wondering - is it the 'floating feature' thats making a difference or its putting an _11 tooth_ pulley in there thats having an effect (or partial effect) ? Cheers Julian McCarthy Auckland New Zealand (where the fixie set ups are getting close to outnumbering the derailleurs around town)
E: Campagnolo Rally
Each has received
> exactly the same tweak from me, but only after auditioning the NOS examples.
> Each one improved it's shifting performance with this modification. At the
> risk of bringing the wrath of the 100% vintage correct members of the group,
> I will share the tweak here.
> Go find an 11 tooth upper jockey pulley that has the floating feature
> associated with off-topic indexing derailleurs. Replace the upper, keep the
> stock 10 tooth lower pulley. Don't tell anyone it's a seven speed DuraAce
> pulley. Enjoy the shifting improvement.