[CR] ] Bike Race Game at The Battleground?

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2007)

From: Tom Sanders <tom@orderandchaos.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 15:43:17 -0500
Thread-Index: Acu0K6vrG1bS536URgqvOTd/wgrwOQ==
Cc: 'e-RICHIE' <richardsachs@juno.com>
Subject: [CR] ] Bike Race Game at The Battleground?

Am I recalling right that the game belonged to E-Richie? I am here and now (and LOUDLY), I might add, asking both John P. and E-Richie, who we have seen WAY too little of in recent years to come and see if we can get this much fun going again at the old Battleground. Guys? I even have an extra bed at the Inn if either of youse needs it. I'll even stake you guys to a Bar-B-Que at Stamey's. John, you need me to bring you a bike?

Tom Sanders

Lansing, MI USA