[CR] Attracting women with bicycles, or not

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

From: "Jon Spangler" <jonswriter@att.net>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 12:58:49 -0800
To: Dale Brown <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR] Attracting women with bicycles, or not


Well said! I hope you never "settle" for some guy who is unable to discern which vintage bikes and parts will make you happy: you deserve to have someone who does right by you...

It is quite true that "...most women like to see a guy on a bike who looks like he rides a lot and loves it so much that he takes good care of himself so he can ride alot." The reverse is also absolutely true for me.

I have received initially very cool reactions from women when I have looked admiringly at them or their bikes as a fellow athlete.

The reaction frequently changes, however, once they realize that I am a fellow cyclist and am admiring their classy hardware (the bike's, that is). It is, however, usually problematic for a man to offer compliments to a woman on her "great legs" because they are chiseled and well-muscled from thousands of cycling miles.

(I also have gotten into trouble on occasion when trying to compliment guys on their great legs, even when the compliment is heartfelt and not a matter of sexual objectification. And I have found this to be true with both gay and straight men.... :-)

Returning to a moment to the lilac-colored Colnago that inspired this thread, I just want to say that a man's testosterone levels will never be affected as much by the paint color on his bike as by the pressure on certain body parts from being on the wrong saddle for too long, or from being on the correct saddle if it's in the wrong position.....

Jon Spangler Alameda, CA USA where the once "cute bikie butt" that helped attract his future wife is, sadly, not that way any more, but Linda still loves him anyway after 22-plus years... :-)

...Devon Warner said:

Message: 10 Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 11:48:05 -0800 (PST) From: devon warner <crabulux@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: [CR] Attracting women with bicycles, or not To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Message-ID: <565807.96727.qm@web111512.mail.gq1.yahoo.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Guys, As a woman, i will give you all a clue: i like (and i think most women like) to see a guy on a bike who looks like he rides a lot and loves it so much that he takes good care of himself so he can ride alot. that, and i love very good race bike tastes. i am not impressed by guys who look out of car windows at me on my bike. i have to say that until recently most guys have not even noticed my good taste in bikes and i have only had one guy ever who was smart enuf to see that i like bike parts much better than flowers and smart enuf to know what sort of bike parts he should give me on my birthday. so i guess that means i don't understand the opposite sex either, unless they really like nice, steel race bikes... i have no idea why there aren't more women and men like us! what is wrong with people?? don't they like fun?

btw: acquiring a bike never repels me unless it is, in my view, an unworthy bike. devon warner san francisco, CA USA Jon Spangler Writer/editor Linda Hudson Writing TEL 510-864-2144 CEL 510-846-5356 JonSwriter@att.net http://www.linkedin.com/in/jonmspangler http://www.twitter.com/jonmspangler