Re: [CR] TA Bolts/Tandem

(Example: Humor)

From: "Elton Pope-Lance" <>
To: Michael Thompson <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 10:01:00 -0500
References: <>
Cc: CR Main Address <>
Subject: Re: [CR] TA Bolts/Tandem

I'm pretty sure we've got'em at Harris. Going in late today 'cause of the snow but will check and post.

Elton Pope-Lance in snowy soon to be rainy Natick, MA

On Jan 17, 2011, at 3:38 PM, Michael Thompson wrote:
> I did a trade the other day for a TA 3 bolt crank. Then located a
> couple of rings for it. Last night I went to bolt it together, and
> none of the crank bolts I've got will fit it. I even found some
> stronglight bolts and they don't fit. The hole size on the cranks is
> smaller than what I would call normal bolt size, ie: campy,
> stronglight, ect. Anyone have the proper bolts?
> Also, Bessie and I ride tandem all the time. It seems when we ride
> together, more often it's on the tandem. She likes the "take the
> brain out of gear" part of riding the back. I can work as hard or as
> easy as I like and she just hands up the sandwiches and smells the
> roses along the way. Bessie also has the best balance of anyone I've
> ever ridden with on a big rig. Plus, her power to weight is great,
> she trys to gain weight and can't, I smell a cheese cake and gain 5
> pounds. We are quite fortunate to own Jack and Mrs. Taylor's
> personal tandem, and it fits us just right. So, I've got a great
> stoker and the Master's bike. What more could I want out of an
> afternoon ride on the tandem.
> Michael Thompson
> Monroe, Louisiana
> It rained for 20 hours straight yesterday 40 degrees F