[CR]Re Ital Vega

(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

From: <Curtistex@aol.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Re Ital Vega
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 17:07:55 EDT

I contacted my friend with the Ital Vega. He sent me some more info and here it is verbatim.

Those are all great questions and I'll try to remember. I'm pretty sure the Campy (mondiale) was stock and I bought it somewhere near Manhattan Beach, CA. Not sure if it came with Campy but it was loaded on at the time I bought it with all the usual stuff like Cinelli stem and Regina d'oro chain. Don't recall what kind of wheels it has but pretty sure it had Campy hubs. I believe the year was 1976. Other than the fact that it is in pieces in my garage (shed a tear) and in need of a good cleaning, it is in pretty good shape. Unfortunately the frame has some nicks and cuts but all superficial. No structural damage.

I hope this helps shed some light on the situation. I wonder about my own priorities when It took me 20 minutes to remember his last name and 2 seconds to remember the components and even color (Champagne/bronze) of his bike.

Curtis Whatley
Mission, Texas