[CR]Cat 's away

(Example: Framebuilding)

Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 11:01:25 +0200
From: "matteo brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
To: classic rendezvous bikelist <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Cat 's away

psssst!Dale's leavin! ok then kids.time to get groovy! 5 days of pure ravin power!Dj Dennis Young will spin the music on unique,homemade,one -of-a-kind wooden records.ill show up with armani suit and the vintage,ultra-rare ,Vittoria soled retro-nikes that will make Stephen"Spike"barner simply jealous.Ill also bring a six pack of Prosecco to keep the flow goin.Off topics discussion will be welcome,keepers of the funk all invited to bring the junk.Stevan THomas will entertain the crowd with one of its rare hats.Brian Bayliss will give Dennis a break,rockin the drumset like never before,while ill be busy on the corner flippin pasta and makin the crew mouthwatering busting one of my underground recipes. Anyway,those will 5 days of pur efun and joy,where Maasland will show up with a team of French bikes(the ones that only him is able to find).Ladies will be entertained to find signed posters of retro-stud LOU deeter bustin a la- rock hudson pose with Campy-panto Speedos on ,in a Miami Vice kinda background,with pink and blue neon lights,and a E-richie on the backwith a Don johnson outfit holdin one of his frames.

Ok kids,the party is about to start,be ready ,be rad but most of all...be there!

Matteo Brandi Fiorenza italia