Re: [CR]Mounting tubulars

(Example: Framebuilding:Restoration)

Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 16:19:18 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR]Mounting tubulars
From: <>


Maybe I should contact Hollywood and see if we can find a producer to make this flick. There are a number of steps to properly preparing a tire for mounting and then successfully getting it on the rim without glue stuck to your nose hairs or something. OUCH!

I'm not a fan of the put the tire on the rim and then go around and put glue on in sections as you lift the tire off. Tire glue is basically contact cement. For it to work properly two things are important. One, it should sit for about an hour on the rim and get "dry" to the point that when you touch it it does not stick to your finger. Two thin layers of glue are much better than one thick one. At Masi we actually used contact cement reducer to thin the glue a little so it would go on thinner and easier. One medium coat should be suffecient if you do part two. Part two is to scrape the base tape with the edge of a file or something to scuff the coating on it, if there is one. Some base tape is not coated. But then it is best to apply a medium thin coat of glue to the base tape of the tire as well and let it soak in. Once the glue is ready, one can follow the steps I described and you should be successful. If you put too much glue on you will end up with some of it on your tire as it is squeezed out once you air it up . There's an art to mounting tires.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA I don't like tire glue on my cats, either. I prefer tar and feathers.

-- wrote:

Anne Phillips' dificulties point up the knowledge passing on problem we have. In the past her clubmates would have shown her. Perhaps some one-Brian?-can make a short video and put it on the CR site? Phil Brown Happy to do it but no broadband connection in San Rafael, Calif.