[CR]Need a classic and elegant steel fork for a Chris Pauley restoration

(Example: Framebuilders:Pino Morroni)

To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 13:57:58 -0800
From: "brian blum" <bbspokes@lycos.com>
Organization: Lycos Mail (http://www.mail.lycos.com:80)
Subject: [CR]Need a classic and elegant steel fork for a Chris Pauley restoration

I need to determine the appropriate rake,which is dependant on head angle. Since the head angle is dependant on the fork blade length which varies with the tire clearance how do I find an appropriate fork???Should I place a level on the top tube and assume a lower stack, to determine the head angle and blade length? It seems difficult to measure this with out an elaborate layout. In any case I need a 210-225mm steerer tube. I obtained a beautiful red Della Santa fork but the steerer is only 190 mm. Brian Blum in Berkeley