[CR]Deja vu oil baths and an eBay question

(Example: Framebuilders:Brian Baylis)

From: "josun LEE" <josun@msn.com>
To: "classicrendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 20:24:01 -0700
Seal-Send-Time: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 20:24:01 -0700
Subject: [CR]Deja vu oil baths and an eBay question

I know there a bunch of Northern California riders out there who did as I did with the oil bath rejuvenator for freewheels and chains. Standard practice was: after a race or when grit, gunk and if you're lucky noise told you why you skipped a beat now and then changing gears, it was time for a good dunking...usually at the sponsoring bike shop's cleaning vat. If you're lucky the vat was an old chroming tub that made it easy to suspend your stuff by hooks in the goop,letting the debris works it way to the bottom, where there was a drain. If you were antisocial you scuttled your way home to something similar, like a poaching pot with an internal cradle where your stuff sat and debris could make its way past the cradle to the bottom. The main thing was that you could lift the cradle and let your stuff drain. This was before environmental concens and engendered a two step operation that started with a mysterious cleaner called "solvent," purchased at any Chevron station, which left no residue, and then the real soaking in non-detergent 30W motor oil in the poaching pot. Elevate same and let it drain,or your debris will be back to haunt you. Then ride. I had clean parts but no talent.

I've completely abandoned the eBay motif for future sales, opting for a fixed price and hopefully a fair one that would be embraced by a knowledgeable fraternity. There must be something very emotionally bruising about bidding, because it seems to bring about very uncharacteristic behavior by participants whose reputation I've personally admired. Since a number of you have invited CR members to participate in eBay auctions, I presume you are comfortable and knowledgeable about that format. My quandary is that it's been over a month, Cinco de Mayo ironically enough, that I sold a bundle of Clement 50's --5 tires in all-- to a gentleman for $393, who has not paid me for unknown reasons. I've sent e-mails and invoices, but no response, and I feel just ugly dunning someone whom I respect. It's one thing to feel uncomfortable about non-payment, but I feel absolute dismay about this last transaction after a previously smooth, and I hope, mutually agreeable exchange. How do you members work this out?

Again, my thanks in your company

Hon Lee
Stockton, CA