RE: [CR]One and one half inches-a crucial dimension.

(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

Subject: RE: [CR]One and one half inches-a crucial dimension.
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 17:09:00 -0700
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Thread-Topic: [CR]One and one half inches-a crucial dimension.
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From: "Mark Bulgier" <>
To: "John Betmanis" <>, <>

John Betmanis wrote:
> Sutherland's 3rd edition gives the track chainline as 40mm
> for 110m rear spacing and 42.5mm for 120mm. That's off by approx. 1/8"

Campy agreed exactly with Sutherland's (or more realistically, the other way 'round) at least as of Catalog 17 - maybe earlier. I don't know how far back the 40 mm recommendation goes - anyone?

There's a good graphic of this in Catalog 17, on page 52, see it here if you don't have yours handy: (requires Adobe Acrobat Viewer)

Probable reasons for making it 40 mm instead of 38 mm (1-1/2") include the ability to use larger chainrings, and/or not needing such a deep dent in the outside of the right chainstay for c-ring clearance. Also slightly better bracing angle for the right-side spokes on the rear wheel.

Mark Bulgier
Seattle WA USA