As Brian said, Factory-equipped Masis were all-Campy prior to the late '70s (probably up until at least 1985, if you trust Masi brochures). That said, bare frames could be bought which you could either set up yourself or have y our bike shop do it. Looking at the catalogs ( talogs/MasiCatalogs.htm), it appears that Edco Competition-equipped Nuova St radas hit the streets around 1985, and Edco Swiss Precision components were available as an extra-cost option on 3V's and GC's. By 1988 you could get a ll Masi models in a choice of various grades of Campy or Shimano (http://bho
Bob Hovey
Columbus, GA USA
I found a lead on a supposedly early Masi (late-70's?). Naturally I'm h oping
its a MC but only info so far is outfitted with early DuraAce. I checked Greg
Fletcher's Masi site but couldn't hook-up...can someone shoot me an emai l
off-list with following info?
Might MCs originally be fitted with early DuraAce? If yes, I would imag ine
italian Masi's exclusively Campy. What were MC serial #'s range...if that makes a difference? Any good websites (other than where this info may be found?
Thanks in advance,
Jack Romans
Sacramento, CA