Thats the name, Bob Reedy. They were not available for long. Kind of the opposite of Chris King who developed a product and stuck with it forever.
Joe Bender-Zanoni
At 10:19 AM 12/19/00 -0600, wrote:
>Quoting Harvey M Sachs <>:
>> At 11:06 PM 12/18/2000 -0800, Joseph Bender-Zanoni wrote:
>> and the american
>> >made sealed bearing pedals that were certainly copied by the Sunour
>> >Superbe. Anyone know who made these?
>> They were marketed by Weyless, heard they were made by a machine shop in
>> Rochester, NY, but that is just a rumor. Pedals were obviously built on
>> a mill, rather than forged as the Suntours, but very nice and I wish I
>> still had mine...
>> harvey sachs
>It's been a long time, but weren't the pedals originally designed and
built by
>Bob Reedy? Seems like I recall an advertisement for them in Bicycling many
>years ago.
> I'm also a fan of the design, and own a pair of Sun Tour road pedals of
>style, as well as a pair of Sun Tour mtb pedals (same body, different cage.
>dremel'ed into track pedals) that have Grease Guard bearings (wonderful!).
>Perhaps I'll consider clipless pedals when these have worn out.
>Steve Kurt
>Peoria, IL