Are your cranks really helicoiled, or are they "inserted".
Helicoils "are precision formed screw thread coils of stainless steel wire having
a diamond shaped cross section" see:
An insert is a steel tube with a male and female thread, which is threaded into
the crankarm to replace the original thread, either because it is damaged, or
wrongly oriented for the application, as in a tandem crankset. Inserts used to be
a common fix for stripped crank threads. A special tap/reamer was used to open out
the pedal hole to accomodate the insert.
Steve Freides wrote:
> People have simply retapped, with reverse threading, and gotten useable
> results. Obviously inferior in terms of the strength of the threads but
> it has been done.
> "Helicoil" is a brand new for a threaded insert - the pedal hole is
> drilled out, the insert with reverse threaded installed, and off you
> go. That's what I ride.