RE: [CR]saavedra rim washers?

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Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]saavedra rim washers?
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 16:42:38 -0800
Thread-Topic: [CR]saavedra rim washers?
Thread-Index: AcXwVuOERcttYsd6TIuYHVxCofXUUAAN+nhQ
From: "Mark Bulgier" <>
To: "galen pewtherer" <>, "Classic Rendezvous Bike List" <>

galen pewtherer writes
> i've got a lovely saavedra turbo rim that i'm planning to
> build up, but i don't have the rim washers the originally
> came with it (little cast-aluminum gizmos that sit in the
> apex of the rim).
> does anyone know where to get replacements, or if i can just
> use a regular brass washer instead?

Those Saavedras are so light that I doubt a regular washer will work. My lovely wife Laurie weighs under 120 lb and she developed cracks in her rear rim - and she never breaks anything! I'm pretty sure the rim cracked in spite of the washers, not because of them. The washers are a good design, the rim is just too thin there.

I'm not saying don't use the rims - Laurie did get good use out of the rim before it cracked, a few thousand miles I'd say, and they are really light! The cracks grew slowly and were never a serious safety hazard IMO.

I will look and see if I saved the washers when I replaced the rim. I am a bit of a packrat, it sounds like something I would do.

Anyone know, did any other Argentinean superlight racing bike parts make it up here?

Mark Bulgier
Seattle WA USA