Re: [CR]Re: CR List. Help/guidance Required

(Example: Framebuilders:Jack Taylor)

Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 16:13:47 +0100
From: "Freek Faro" <>
To: Thomas Adams <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: CR List. Help/guidance Required
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>

Excuse me for stepping into this discussion from across the pond! I remembe r that at the end of the 80s there was an organization in New York that published bike routes that took you to the most worthwile places to see. While I was staying there I borrowed a bike, and rode the route from downtown Manhattan up to Harlem (as far as the Morris-Jumel mansion), back through Spanish Harlem and down 5th Avenue back to Fulton St where I was staying. I found it very enjoyable, Harlem too. I was taking aoicture somewhere of a row of burnt-out houses and an African-American young woman approached me and asked: 'are you a policeman?'. I said No, i'm just seeing the sights. 'In that case you'd better keep riding, or someone will take that camera from you!'. All this in a friendly way. So i took her advice. I also liked 5th Avenue, dodging taxicabs, busses and potholes all at the sam e time, while being passed on a regular basis by bike messengers without brakes. Maybe things have changed, but I liked it very much then, an ideal way to see very much of the city in a relatively short time. And maybe those bike route maps are still available!

Freek Faro in uneventful Rotterdam Netherlands

2006/1/24, Thomas Adams <>:
> Dear Ray E:
> Not sure if riding in Manhattan is advisable other than some of the parks ,
> but the sightseeing is fine and the Pergolizzi ride in Prospect park is
> nice. If you want some "GOOD" riding, I'd be glad to host you down on th e
> Jersey seashore by Sandy Hook. Mike and Ray H can attest that the riding is
> flat, the roads not too busy and splendid views of the NYC skyline are
> available if the weather cooperates. Ray H and I are the same size, so y ou
> should have lots of lender bikes to sort through.
> Tom Adams, Shrewsbury NJ
> wrote:
> Yes, only to happy to do a day in NYC with you. There is a lot to see in a
> day so plan what you would like to see and one of us can make it an
> efficient, memorable trip. As I recall meeting you at last years Cirque,
> you are also a tall gent so we have something in common. Have you ever
> been to NYC before? There is the Village, Times Square, Uptown, Central
> Park and of course all the museums and places that the masses go. I also
> can loan you a bike that perhaps we can ride in John's neck of the woods
> in Prospect Park Brooklyn. Give it some thought and we are at your
> service.
> Ray Homiski
> > Ray,
> >
> > Pergolizzi, Homiski, and I would be happy to oblige.
> > We have several tour packages to choose from:
> >
> > The tour du Deeter (Restaurant's & Bars)
> > Adventure Aaron Lipschitz (NYC Movie Set Tour)
> > The Ken Denny trip to Bedford Sty. and the South Bronx (Don't Ask) or
> > The Jack Gabus package includes "Scores" (Don't Tell)
> > The Matteo Brandi Tour (We're not sure what that one is because we coul d
> > never find him) but that includes Little Italy
> >
> > Mike Schmidt
> > Stirling, NJ
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From:
> > To:
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:32 AM
> > Subject: [CR]Re: CR List. Help/guidance Required
> >
> >
> >> Hi All,
> >> Can anyone help with strange request....I'm coming over to the Cirq
> >> again
> >> this June (would not miss it for the world).
> >> I'm stopping with Steve Kinnie in CT for a few days-before leaving for
> >> Greensboro', but would love to ride around NY City to 'see the sights' .
> >> Is there anyone who would be prepared to act as escort/guide for a day
> >> or
> > so.
> >> All help greatly appreciated.
> >> Ray Etherton Midway..Longourla.France/Maldon.UK
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >
> _______________________________________________
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