Message: 4
ate: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 12:54:35 -0800
rom: Jan Heine <>
ubject: [CR] Jack Taylor of Stockton Brochure 1940s/50s
o: <>
essage-ID: <a06230995c7601c626ecd@[]>
ontent-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
Like many small makers, the Taylors didn't have the money to have new
atalogues produced frequently. The only catalogue I know is indeed
rom the 1950s or 1960s, and it's included in "Lightweight Catalogues
ol. III," published by the Veteran-Cycle Club and available from
intage Bicycle Press.
Jan Heine
icycle Quarterly
116 Western Ave.
eattle WA 98121
At 11:19 AM 12/25/2009, Bob Freitas wrote:
Is this available on line somewhere? Other wise I hope if one of us
ends up with it he will share.
Not online, but there is a Jack Taylor catalog included in the
ightweight Cycle Catalogs Volume III available in the USA from
intage Bicycle Press
I have a small stack of original JT catalogs by the way, the same one they sent out through the 60s and 70s. I also have their price lists from 77 through about 83, and I have original copies of an article called Taylor Made written by Noel Henderson which talks about their bikes and racing history, and also an article called My Visit to Jack Taylor Cycles that they used as an advertising piece, which was made from an article I wrote for the Tandem Club of America back in 1983. $25 for all (incl one price list, you pick) and the proceeds will help defray the cost of bringing Ken Taylor over here in March for the Seattle Bike Expo. At some point I will have to send copies as quantities of some pieces are limited. Mike Thompson who is the biggest Jack Taylor fan in the world is going to bid on that old brochure on ebay and has agreed to scan it and make copies available, so let's let him bid on it and not bid it out of sight please.
Bob Freeman
Elliott Bay Bicycles
2116 Western Ave
Seattle, WA 98121