Re: [CR] Baylis "Bates Volante" inspired copy?

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

From: "Roman Stankus" <>
To: <>, <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 06:52:00 -0400
In-Reply-To: <>
Thread-Index: Acm9eztI3aACA3lsReG/QKLh9r9qPQAO0oqQ
Subject: Re: [CR] Baylis "Bates Volante" inspired copy?

I got a couple sets of Lens lugs from Ray back in 05/06? At that time, Ray said these were the last of existing stock and that Len was not carving lugs any more. Mine were two different patterns - should take some pics and post them some time. One was a Rotrax and the other was an Ephgrave #1 Super - they're stashed away and I haven't looked at them for a good while.

Roman Stankus Atlanta, Georgia USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:34 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [CR] Baylis "Bates Volante" inspired copy?
> Rob,
> Yes, as far as I know they are Len Phipps creations. I have,
> and have ha d quite a number of these sets of various types.
> Like I say, I have a bo x full of blanks. If you know how I
> can contact him I would appreciate k nowing how to get in
> touch with him. If he's interested in working up a few more I
> can provide the raw material.
> Brian Baylis
> La Mesa, CA
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: "Rob Williams" <>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re: [CR] Baylis "Bates Volante" inspired copy?
> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 18:56:37 -0700
> Where these Len Phipps lugs do you think? Is Len still with
> us and filin g?
> Rob Williams
> Sunny and snowy in Seattle
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>; <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [CR] Baylis "Bates Volante" inspired copy?
> Kevin,
> In this case Sterling provided me with the lugs which I
> believe were pur
> chased from Martin Coopland or Ray Etherton. The lugs are
> stamped from H
> ayden blanks and finished by hand as far as I know. There are
> a number o
> f lug patterns that used to be available from England that
> used the same
> blank lugs to start with. From what I understand, the lug
> blanks are in
> short supply or no longer available. I just happen to have a
> box full o
> f the blank lugs that I purchased a while ago. ;-)
> I don't know if there were more photos than just the two I
> saw that Ster
> ling posted, but there needs to be some closer detail shots
> to see the r
> eal effect. I did modify the lugs slightly from the
> stampings, so they a
> ren't quite exactly like the ones used on the Bates frames.
> The crown is
> a Pacenti IC crown, slightly altered. The Bates you showed
> has round fo
> rk blades. Sterling's frame has continental oval road fork blades.
> Thanks for the photos of your Bates. That's a nice bike and
> Ron Cooper h
> as been one of my favorite British builders since the early 70's.
> Brian Baylis
> La Mesa, CA
> San Diego Custom Bicycle Show 2010
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Kevin Kruger <>
> To: <>, <>
> Subject: [CR] Baylis "Bates Volante" inspired copy?
> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 12:25:32 -0700
> Hi Sterling,
> Your Baylis looks very nice! Were you seeking a "Bates" style
> replica , a s your frame looks like a copy of the lugwork on
> my Ron Cooper built "Ba
> tes
> Volante" purchased from England.
> Here's the address for photos of my contemporary Bates posted
> on Wool Je
> rse
> y:
> Looks like the same lugs, fork crown, and brake bridge
> treatment sans th
> e 5
> 31 Cantiflex tubing and Diadrant fork blades.
> Regards,
> Kevin Kruger - Grantville, PA
> =0A=0A=0A
> _______________________________________________
> qNBvJ52Jzw